
Friday, June 15, 2012

Field Work Photos: Matampay, Kadingilan, Bukidnon

In one of my earlier field works, I reached Barangay Matampay in Kadingilan, Bukidnon. Matampay is one of the seventeen barangays of Kadingilan, and is one of the most far-flung and hard-to-reach areas of this 4th class municipality of the province. 

It took more than one hour of motorcycle ride before we reached this barangay. From the Poblacion, we passed through the barangays of Pay-as, Bagor, San Andres, Mabuhay and Cabadiangan. Upon reaching Cabadiangan, we have to go through a steep uphill road before reaching Matampay. It was one rough, bumpy and butt-numbing ride all the way.

 Location map of the barangays of Kadingilan with Matampay encircled in red (image from wikipedia)

 My two guides leading the way

The farm areas I inspected are planted with cassava. Cassava (Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae.) is a perennial shrub native to South America that is now grown throughout the tropics. Other common names for cassava are tapioca, mandioca, manios, sagu, yuca. In the Philippines, it is commonly called as kamoteng kahoy or balinghoy. It is a major source of calories for some 300 million people in the developing countries of the world. It is one of the world's most efficient converters of solar energy to carbohydrates (

Matampay is bounded on the west by Maradugao River which separates the provinces of Bukidnon and Wao del Sur. As seen in the photo below, the place is already overlooking Wao and the visible strip of road is in Barangay Milaya.

Aside from cassava, some farm areas are also planted with corn and rubber.

To view more photos of Kadingilan, Bukidnon, CLICK HERE.

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