
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Typhoon Pablo Aftermath in Malaybalay City

Typhoon Pablo passed by Malaybalay City yesterday, December 4, 2012 and brought heavy rain and strong winds with reported strength of 170 km/hour. It was a super typhoon local residents never ever experienced before. Signal # 3 was raised all over Bukidnon and classes and work were suspended. I stayed home the whole time, fearful of the strong winds which might topple the trees nearby. Thankfully, it did not happen and we were all safe and dry throughout the storm.

The rain woke me up at around 3:30 AM though it was still not that strong during that time. It poured on and off until it started to get heavy at around 9 AM. Accompanied by strong winds, it ceased to stop and even got stronger at noon time. Electricity went out early, then SMART cellphone signal went off shortly before noon. Water supply was eventually cut-off and GLOBE signal went dead in the early afternoon.

The rain and winds eventually subsided at around 3 PM. I went out of our house at 4, roamed around Malaybalay City proper with my motorbike and took photos of Typhoon Pablo's havoc.

The raging waters of Sawaga River under the Implambong Bridge (going to San Isidro College):

Impalambong road near SDA Church:

Mamala Bridge:

Crossing road going to Airport Village, Grema, BLISS and NHA subdivisions:

Along Sanvicotores Street (road going to Land Transportation Office):

Portion of the old Provincial Hospital Building:

Provincial Capitol Grounds:

This tall tree was uprooted and leaned on the Hall of Justice Building:

Entrance gate of Kaamulan Park:

Along Magsaysay Street, outside Plateau Disco and Malaybalay Badminton Center (the former Belyca Cinema):

Beej Bar outside Plateau:

This billboard fell to the ground outside the Bukidnon State University:

Toppled fence of the vacant commercial lot in between LBP Malaybalay and Zeta building:

It was actually my first time to experience a super typhoon. Despite these damages, Malaybalay City is still fortunate that it is not as badly hit as the other places in Mindanao. Bukidnon was once a typhoon-free province but the present climate change, however, might just put it right along the typhoon path.


  1. Thanks for posting Earl...first time ever in Malaybalay to experience a typhoon of such magnitude.

  2. daghan salamat sa picture

  3. Thank you for the pictures. At least I have a fair idea how much typhoon Pablo has brought to our hometown. Thank God Everyone was safe.
