
Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Solar-Powered Community in Kadingilan, Bukidnon

We went to Sitio Payao, Pay-as, Kadingilan, Bukidnon last week to locate a bank-encumbered property. Due to the road condition, we just parked our vehicle at the road side and walked our way to the Sitio proper.

 The dirt road going to Payao, Pay-as, Kadingilan, Bukidnon

Sitio Payao is a small community with only a few residents living in the area. The residents here are farmers who till sugarcane, corn, coconut and other crops. 

While walking to our target property, we noticed that the daycare center and the houses here have solar panels in their backyards:

We later found out that Sitio Payao is a beneficiary of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) project dubbed as Solar Power Technology Support (SPOTS) to Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs). The project aims to alleviate poverty incidence in remote communities by providing them access to basic services like light and power.

A closer look of the solar panel

Though the electricity generated is only enough to power fluorescent lamps during nighttime, Sitio Payao is a good example of utilizing renewable energy for the benefit of the community.


  1. hopefully the other barangays would replicate this technology in order to save our mother earth. Water resources continue its depletion due to denudation of our forest reserves. nice post earl.:-).

  2. I agree bon. This is one good project that is pro-environment.

  3. Thats a great project, wonder if this will help with development...
