Weekend Basketball League, considered as Malaybalay City's longest running basketball organization, held a 5K fun run last May 14, 2011. The activity was part of WBL's 12th anniversary celebration. More than 60 members and invited guests participated in the run.
Orientation at Shell-Sumpong before the start of the run.
The race route is from Shell Gasoline Station in Barangay Sumpong, Diversion Road, BCT, Impalambong, Allied Bank/Aking Building and back to Shell Sumpong. Since I am one of the officers of group, I did not join the run but took the job as race photographer instead.
Runners at the diversion road:
WBL members dominated the race with Fidel Baran finishing the run first, followed by Steve Vinson and Weng Samontao. The top 10 finishers were all awarded with medals.
First place finisher Fidel Baran

The top ten finishers
Race officials and marshalls
Participants of the 1st WBL Fun Run posing after the race.
After the fun run, a fellowship breakfast, a brief program and a basketball game for WBL members were held at the Barangay 1 Covered Court.
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